Apollo 11's legacy reaches 50 years


Saturday marks the 50th anniversary of America leading the world by landing a man on the moon in July 1969. Here are a some interesting facts and figures from that time and concerning space travel today.

600 million

Estimated number of people around the world who watch the first moon landing on July 20, 1969

$11 million to $12 million

Amount of money spent collectively by ABC, CBS and NBC on Apollo 11 coverage. The three networks covered the mission from Sunday morning, July 20, until Monday evening, July 21.


The last time NASA has put a human on the moon


NASA projection for when it plans to land the first female ever on the moon


Of Americans think space travel will become routine during the next 50 years of space exploration. Some private companies have said they have plans to take tourists on suborbital space flights in the future.


Even if space travel does become commonplace, more than half of Americans say they would not be interested in going. People who are not interesting cite a number of concerns, including too expensive or too scary.


Percent of Americans who would be interested in space travel. The most common reason is that they want to experience something unique.

Sources: CNN and Pew Research Center