Clarendon committee requests $3.7M for 2023-24 projects


Clarendon County Council unanimously approved numerous project requests totaling millions of dollars to be completed throughout the fiscal year 2023-24.

Chairman Dwight Stewart called the Clarendon County Transportation Committee into session during the regular county council meeting June 12.

Deputy Administrator Ted Felder presented council members with eight projects totaling $3,724,305. The list consists of drainage projects, unpaved road maintenance, paved road maintenance and, in Manning, a resurfacing project.

"The CCTC comes into session many times during the year for project requests, and since this is mainly maintenance requests, we thought we would go ahead and get all of them approved at one time," Felder said.

In Districts 1 and 2 in the county, Felder requested $283,000 for catch basin and pipe cleaning, and in district three, he requested $100,000 for repairs on pipe depressions on Padgett Highway.

"These are much-needed projects, and the costs include the project costs, mileage and engineering costs," he said.

District 2 will see another project for unpaved road maintenance on Herod Road, Windham Road, Flagbury Road and Dudie Road for pipe replacements and cleaning ditches, totaling $320,000.

Three paved roads will see some maintenance, mainly resurfacing, totaling $3,536,005 on Mockingbird Lane, Rockfish Drive and on S.C. 261 up to the landfill, JW Rhames.

There is one South Carolina Department of Transportation project that adds up to $188,300 for Allendale Road, East Keitt Road and East Huggins Road in Manning.

"These are state roads, which is why DOT is working on the project, but we fund that project," Felder said.

After members unanimously approved of the project requests, Stewart closed out the CCTC session and went back into the regular meeting.

There were only two service awards announced during the meeting, for both of which those being recognized were unable to attend.

Vanessa Johnson received a certificate and a large county emblem paperweight for her 20 years as a tax collector with the Clarendon County Treasury Department.

Shannon Griffin received a certificate and a five-year pin for her five years as a lieutenant with the Clarendon County Detention Center.