OPINION: President Trump has done more for the country in 3 years than Obama did in 8


The last few months have been troubling for this state and for what is going on in Washington and the man we, the people elected, President Trump.

Ask yourself why are we continuing to pay those politicians? All they have talked about is impeach our president. He takes no pay for the job.

Recently, a letter in The Item newspaper let me know that President Trump was the right choice for the USA. This president has done more for this country in three years than the last president we had for eight years. He was sending our hard-earned month by the truckload out of our country. When he finished his eight years, he is still in Washington and built himself a $10 million home with a 10 foot high fence to keep out the illegals that the Democrats want to come into the USA.

If you are listening or watching the news, they are so desperate to get a Democrat president in the White House and undo all that this president has accomplished.

I totally agree with Jacqueline Hughes's letter to the editor in The Item.

Now they have sent out their impeachment papers. All those Democrats running for president just want to give everything to all the people who will vote for them.

Let us ask ourselves why he is still in Washington. Answer: he is hoping that a Democrat will win over Trump. If that happens, let's just go in our bathroom and flush the toilet because that is what will happen to our country.

