Letter to the editor: Where is the justice?


Just as the president sits in the White House preparing for his next speech, the police officer is at home awaiting his next shift. The school teacher is also at home preparing for her next day at school. But somewhere in the world, there's a little child afraid. He/she isn't able to prepare for the next day. Instead, that child is preparing for that next moment when his/her bedroom door may open. He/she is dreading the moment they will be molested, yet again, by that monster who doesn't deserve to live.

Why is this OK? Society and the judicial system view the predator as the victim and the victim as the predator. But why does this seem to be OK? Why should we sit back and watch as childhoods are taken away? Predators are allowed to walk around as free as birds smiling gaily. They walk around as if they've done nothing wrong. Why? The reason is clear. It's because predators have, quote-unquote, paid their debt to society by serving time in prison. This is the only explanation given to the mother of a victim by victim advocates, staff of the Statehouse and members of the police department. It's shameful that there's no solution to this ongoing problem. So many children are losing their innocence on a daily basis while heads are being turned.

There's no acknowledgment of the fact that the victim lives with this trauma for "life." There's no amount of prison time that will erase the hurt felt by the victim. There's no amount of prison time that will make it all go away. Instead, this child will continue to feel emptiness inside. But through it all, this mother will be there for her child when no one else will. This mother carries this news inside her heart and in her soul. She wants to ball up in a fetal position and just cry, cry, cry. She'll cry so many tears that the tears will climb high above her waist, her shoulders, her neck and then drown her with no remorse. Why should this mother have to tell her child that there's no hope, no help, nor any chance at even being able to be heard? Who will advocate on the victim's behalf in a real way? Where is the justice? Where is the closure?

I'll tell you where the closure is. There is no closure. This family has no one to turn to. There's not an inkling of help. There's no shoulder to cry on nor lean on. No one is coming to rescue them from this lifetime of hurt, sorrow, pain, guilt, disgust, nor disgrace.

So, I ask you again, where is the justice?

Although there seems to be no justice, this mother does not get drowned by her tears. Instead, she stands up tall with wet eyes. She grabs a rugged old piece of tissue and wipes her tears away. She will find her way. She will search until she becomes the voice that will be heard even though no one is willing to listen. It's the hope that somewhere there's just one person who will listen. It's the hope that they will help this mother make a difference.

