McConnell needs to do his job


After several days of the craziness over the government shutdown and the $193,000-per-year salary Mitch McConnell receives for not doing his job, yes McConnell is the real reason the shutdown is still going on. What's up with him? Why won't he bring the replacement bill to open the government up in the Senate? He said I won't put any bill up for a vote because the president has said he will veto the bill. Well make him prove it and send him a bill. Does McConnell work for the president or the people who elected him? The Constitution states when a bill is passed by the House and sent to the Senate, they must vote on it. McConnell is not doing his job on a bill passed by them weeks ago. When it is all said and done, McConnell still has to bring the bill up on the floor of the Senate to be voted on. So why no vote on the current bills? McConnell needs to do his $194,000-a-year job and let the Senate vote to open the government or keep it closed. We will never know how our elected representatives feel about the shutdown unless they're allowed to vote, and only then can we know how they feel about the shutdown. Under the Constitution, after a bill is passed by the House and Senate and sent to the president, he can do three things: veto it, pass it or let it sit on his desk for 10 days not counting Sundays, and it will become law. If he vetoes it, the House and Senate can override it with a 2/3 vote in both houses. So someone please tell me why the government is still shut down, when all of our elected officials are getting paid $174,000 a year or $14,500 a month to do nothing. Yes! What's wrong with this picture. McConnell's salary is $194,000 per year or $16,167 a month. The president's total salary is $569,000 a year or $47,417 a month, and yes all of them are still getting paid.

