Opinion: School district should cut spending with its feet held to the fire


Mr. Baten would like for the school board to have fiscal autonomy so they could raise our taxes without any oversight. That's all we need, one more tax hiking entity. The Sumter school board has shown it has no fiscal restraint without someone else holding them to the right course. I hope none of our legislators would entertain such an idea.

The school board must look within and get rid of their excessive administrative positions. When money gets tight in my house, I must examine how I am spending what I have and see what I really don't need. I can't demand a pay raise.

We, the taxpayers, do not need any more pompous-sounding words. Action is now needed.

I hope the rational members of the county council hold this board's feet to the fire. The board must show it can recover from past mistakes, get rid of nice-sounding positions and really guide this school system.

I have no problem supporting a well-run school system that treasures the sacrifice I make.

This school board must remember there are many senior taxpayers who loved their homes and are on fixed incomes.

Fifty dollars may not mean much to some, but to us it means a little more chicken in the pot. I want the kids of Sumter County to have a good, solid education, but we must live also. Millage placed on businesses is passed on to us as price increases.

