Plan to donate blood at Prisma Health Tuomey in Sumter on Feb. 18


The American Red Cross will hold a community blood drive at Prisma Health Tuomey Hospital on Tuesday, Feb. 18.

Residents may donate blood in Classroom 1 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. A photo ID is required.

To schedule a time for donation, contact Shavan Fulton at (803) 774-9100 or email You may also schedule a donation at with the sponsor code "Tuomey."

Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

In 2019, Tuomey Hospital provided transfusions of 3,403 units of packed red blood cells. Packed cells typically go to patients with diseases such as sickle cell anemia, those undergoing chemotherapy or to trauma patients or those undergoing surgery.

Are you a universal donor?

If you're an O negative blood type, your blood can be used in transfusions for any blood type, including emergency transfusions and for immune-deficient infants.

You can donate blood if you:

- Are at least 17 years old;

- Weigh at least 110 pounds;

- Have not donated blood in the past 56 days; and

- Are in general good health and are feeling well.

The entire donation process takes about an hour, but the actual blood draw takes only 8-10 minutes.

When you arrive, you will get a general health check and be asked a few questions, donate your blood, then enjoy a snack and a drink and sit for about 15 minutes before you go.