Shiver me timbers! Kingsbury Elementary welcomes pirates



There were a lot of pirates plundering Kingsbury Elementary School on Monday as the school held its Family Reading Night encouraging families to not only make reading fun, but also to show how reading can be extended with STEAM activities. Quite a few "recruits" turned out to join the crew, working hard to earn their booty - gold coins collected at each station. These eager mates made their own pirate hats, read about pirates and participated in an aluminum foil boat challenge with pennies to see what it would take to keep their boat afloat or send it to the darkest depths of the ocean. The children enjoyed each of the activities along with their parents and were treated to a pizza dinner in the cafeteria because being a pirate really makes you hungry. All of this was under the leadership of the Language Arts Committee and Captain and KES Principal Phillip Jackson, who was pleased with the turnout and enthusiasm of the children and staff.