Sumter Art Association: May 5, 2019


The Sumter Art Association met at 3:30 p.m. April 16 in the Parish Hall of the Church of the Holy Comforter. President Patti Sosnowski welcomed members and guests. Rosemary Drakeford gave an inspiring devotional on the strong recurring storms we have experienced lately as a metaphor for the stresses we all experience in various aspects of our lives and reminded everyone to deal with them by trusting God as "Our Rock and Our Refuge."

Recording secretary Andrena Ray read aloud the minutes from the March 19 meeting. There were no additions or corrections, and the minutes were approved as read. Standing in for treasurer Susan Brabham, Carla Young reported the current balance. Corresponding secretary Vicki Goodwin read aloud a note of thanks from Linda Brown for our contribution to the Church of the Holy Comforter, given as an expression of our thanks for the excellent program she and her husband, David, brought to us recently. Goodwin also read notes from Dena James and Laurie Townes accepting our invitation to become members to The Sumter Art Association.

Committee reports attendance chairwoman Ginger Barwick reported that 42 members and four guests were present. Linda Hogon reported on numerous cultural events taking place during the upcoming month in Sumter and the surrounding area. Yearbook chairman Carla Young reminded members to inform her of any changes needed in personal contact information. Membership chairwoman Mary Gene White reported she received a letter of resignation.

In the absence of awards chairwoman Kathy Creech, Sosnowski asked that any suggestions for this year's scholarship recipients be forwarded to Creech as soon as possible.

Dotty Lyles introduced Michelle Ross to present the afternoon's program. Ross is a gifted storyteller and folklorist. She entertained the group with two delightful tales, one of which was drawn from her own family's ethnic and cultural history.

Sosnowski reminded everyone of the final meeting of the 2018-19 year, which will be held May 21. She then adjourned the meeting and invited everyone to the tea table, thanking the hostess committee for their hospitality. Chairwoman was Kathy Ardis. Beth Jackson served as co-chairwoman, and committee members assisting were Lynn Eldridge, Betty Harvin, Marjorie Hooks, Margaret Moses, Rose Marie Newman, Lee Senter, Norma Tolbert, Jean White, Margaret White and Mary Catharine Williams. The beautiful hydrangea centerpiece on the tea table was created by a friend of the hostesses.