Sumter Rabbi Josef Germaine: It’s OK to wish others ‘Happy Holidays’ this season


The holiday season, which begins with Thanksgiving and ends Jan. 1, comprises religious, ethnic and national qualities. What should be essentially fulfilling about this season is its spiritual overtones.
Thanksgiving ushers in the season for all members of the community — regardless of religious affiliation. It is a time when all can give thanks for being citizens of a country guaranteeing freedom of religion and expression.
Christmas lifts the spirit and gives hope for blessings of salvation for all who celebrate the birth of Jesus.
To those who celebrate Chanukah, there is a similar theme in terms of renewed dedication to a faith that also provides hope and blessing. It is a historic holiday dating back over 2,000 years. Chanukah is also known as the Festival of Lights, an eight-day Jewish holiday in which candles are lit each day to commemorate the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt.
In 1966, African-Americans began celebrating their heritage through the festival of Kwanzaa, held Dec. 26 through Jan. 1. Like Chanukah, Kwanzaa utilizes the symbolic lighting of candles each day. Kwanzaa brings a cultural message that speaks to the best of what it means to be African and a human in the fullest sense.
Therefore, it is appropriate in December to wish others a generic “Happy Holidays.” Naturally, this does not preclude the use of “Happy Chanukah,” “Merry Christmas” or a “Blessed Kwanzaa” when you know — for certain — an individual’s affiliation and preferences.
What is disconcerting is the objection by those who feel that the greeting “Happy Holidays” is a denial of the Christian ethos of Christmas as the prevailing holiday. An appreciable number of people insist that the holiday season is primarily Christian and all other religious observances during December should be ignored to the point of total exclusion.
These individuals seem to forget that many of our founding fathers came to these shores to escape religious persecution and intolerance. I do not believe they intended that future generations forget the principles upon which this country was founded.
Happy Holidays has as part of its “constitution” the word “holy,” a word which should serve to remind us that whatever holiday we celebrate, holy should be the major portion of our attitude, toward ourselves and others.

Rabbi Josef Germaine is a professional lyric tenor who has been a concert recitalist, cantor, vocal coach and rabbi. He received his bachelor's in music and masters degree in Hebrew education. He lives in Sumter and is a member of Temple Sinai. Reach him at