Letter to the editor: Sumter's City streets aren't being taken care of for years


It is 2025, and another year has passed! Once again, time passes, money gets spent, the mayor, city council, and city employees get paid, equipment gets purchased, but work never gets done.

East Charlotte Avenue hasn't been swept in almost three years.

Why? No one cares.

Several times a week I am painfully reminded of how the City of Sumter Public Works currently maintains street sweeping of East Charlotte Avenue.

This street means nothing to the city, but over my lifetime I have witnessed a significant change for the worse in the city's street sweeping maintenance of this street. I am trying to do what I can to improve the situation by being a squeaky wheel on this issue.

I understand that if someone is not part of a solution to a problem they are part of the problem.

I have been awaiting a response from the director of Public Works regarding this issue since June 21, 2024.

Other city streets are experiencing this same problem.


