Letter to the editor: We need to pass common sense gun safety measures


Dear Gov. McMaster, the South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus members are writing to urge you to call the General Assembly back to address the urgent need for gun reform in our state.

The recent increase in gun violence in our communities, state and nation has been alarming and devastating for too many families. We believe it is time for state elected officials to take meaningful action to protect our citizens and ensure our streets are safe. The overwhelming majority of South Carolinians believes in enacting commonsense gun safety measures, including universal background checks, red flag laws and restrictions on military-style equipment in our state.

We recognize that gun reform is difficult to address, but our country has reached a critical point on this issue that impacts so many and can potentially affect all Americans. The safety and well-being of our citizens should be a top priority for elected officials. We simply cannot wait any longer to take action on this critical issue.

We urge you to use your authority to call the General Assembly back to session and push for significant gun reform legislation. It is time for our state to protect our citizens and prevent senseless acts of violence.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus chairman