Opinion: What did we learn from Nov. 5?


What did we learn from the majority of America's voters Nov. 5?

We learned that the majority of America's voters want border security. Americans are tired of millions of undocumented people from any place in the world flooding into America. We want them to come legally. The reports of gangs growing in our cities, murders and rampant stabbings have been an emotional weight from which Americans want relief.

Americans are tired of spending more money at the grocery store and coming home with fewer products. Every week brings price increases, and Americans' paychecks are not keeping up. Employers have been suffering to keep employees who are desperate for higher wages. Employers can no longer get by with $10 or $12 an hour, as the new expected minimum wage has become at least $15. To keep a good employee, though, will take $20 an hour if you want them to stay. This has put a strain on small businesses in America who are struggling to produce enough income to pay workers and keep the lights on. The cost of goods must decrease and wages have to stabilize.

Americans want lower interest rates. A 6% house loan is still making it tough on America's homebuyers. A 30-year mortgage on a $450,000 house is $2,158.38 if you have $90,000 to put down. A six-year car payment on a $45,000 car is $596.62 if you put $9,000 down. Most Americans need a house and car. So you see the reason why people are desperate to make more money. Add on to this a $1,200 a month grocery bill for a family of four.

Americans also displayed their disdain for legacy media. I personally thought it would be tough for Trump to overcome all the major networks. I didn't see how anyone could beat NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post and almost every other major media entity in the nation, but he did. He beat them good. One network supported Trump throughout the entire election, and it was Fox News. On election night ,they had the highest ratings of all the networks. The majority of America's voters no longer believe much of what they hear on America's major media networks, which is sad since we all pay so much in subscriptions to access these stations. Trump spent three hours with Joe Rogan on a podcast that reached millions of Rogan's viewers. Harris didn't have time for Rogan. Look for many more podcasters to grow in influence in the days ahead.

We learned that women did go to polls to vote, and many of them voted for Trump.

Kamala Harris had over $1 billion to spend on her election. The networks were flooded with political ads, and it still wasn't enough. Sadly, it's reported that her campaign is $20 million in debt with no way in sight to cover outstanding costs.

We also learned that national celebrities don't impress America's voters all that much. They will pay thousands to hear Taylor Swift sing, but her support of Kamala Harris was overall ignored. Although many of Swift's followers aren't old enough to vote. Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, George Clooney, Bruce Springsteen, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Julia Roberts, etc. are all-star entertainers, but the average person in America just wasn't swayed by them when it came time to vote.

The election is over. Let's pray that Congress will work together to end the wars in the world, lower inflation, make medical care available for all people on all levels of their need. Let's pray for a safe and peaceful America where people are entering our country legally and safely and for four years of prosperity and peace.

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