Letter to the editor: Spiritual diversity in the world put wrong 'god' in charge


My topic explains diversity in the spiritual realm that put the wrong "god" in charge and in complete control over every aspect of America's government and outcomes since 1776 causing America's historical abominations (slavery is just one), America's tragedies (the Civil War is just one), abuses, neglects, faults, failures and most recently the shedding of innocent blood (abortion is just one). Spiritual diversity around the world put the wrong "god" in charge and in complete control over every nation for the last 1,700 years. God's long overdue response is His forthcoming culminating Judgment against every nation throughout the world beginning in America on America's 2024 "election day" when God will give America into the hands of America's enemy, so that those who hated America rule over America, oppress America and bring America into subjection under their power (Psalm 106:41-42). Copies of this two-page explanation are in the box if no one wants to ask about this nor let me read it to you, enabling you to be the first in America to "hear" the truth about God and His son for the first time in your lives to point you and the warfighting general officers in this room in the right direction to fly, fight and win America's equivalent spiritual battle to Gen. Washington's battle at Valley Forge that will give "life" to America on Nov. 7.

Obeying two Old Covenant commands establishes and maintains the perfect relationship between God and His people: "man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Deut 8:3) and never "add to or take from" God's spoken words (Deut 12:32, 4:2). All add-ons or omissions to any of God's spoken words are lies from the "father of all lies." Applied to Jesus of Nazareth, God's people believe God's spoken words that God Himself "revealed" to Peter, "Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God" (no add-ons or omissions) in Matthew 16:15-17.

Idolatry is the worship of someone or something other than God as though it were God. The 2020 census reports 70% in America believe the Trinity Doctrine's four add-ons to God's spoken words regarding Jesus: "Jesus is God," "Jesus is co-equal to God," "Jesus is co-eternal with God," and "Jesus is 100% man and 100% God."

From 1776 through today, America engages in idolatry making Satan America's false "god" and the one in complete control over every aspect and outcome in America. That put America on par with every other Nation's false belief about God and Jesus. America has fulfilled only as much of Dr. King's dream as Satan has allowed . . . America can never do anymore! That's why diversity can never be applied to God's spoken words regarding Jesus nor anything else!

After 1,700 years of "unbelief" regarding God and His son in all nations, God will begin to establish His kingdom and His rulership through Christ throughout the world by God's making "Jesus' enemies a footstool for Jesus' feet" in every nation beginning in America on Nov 7, 2024, and continuing one nation after another non-stop until Jesus Returns ending this age.

God's culminating Judgment against every nation will Passover any nation if there are "10" in every 500,000 that believe God regarding Jesus to save your nation the same way "10" would have saved Sodom and Gomorrah, calculated . . . 10 ("Believe God") divided by 500,000 (Sodom and Gomorrah's total population at the time it was destroyed) equals 0.00002 times 350 million (America's estimated 2024 total population, includes 15 million illegal aliens) equals 7,000. 7,000 of 350 million is God's required equivalent to the "mustard seed" that will MOVE America's mountain of "unbelief" so far away America will never see or experience any of the devastating effects from "unbelief" ever again nor any new ones FOREVER until Jesus Returns.

WITNESS THE POWER OF GOD . . . As Satan's "first beast" (which is each nation's leader) and Satan's "second beast" (which are each nation's religious leaders) are reborn and baptized in the name of the son (never "God the son"), God gives that nation, their leaders, and its people "confidence" to enter "heaven itself" while "in the land of living" (never over-yonder) receiving everything God gave Adam in the beginning: sinlessness (the nation is forgiven), sinless environment ("heaven itself"), access to God (living every day "in the very presence of God"), without any consciousness of sin (sin has been so completely taken away there is "no consciousness of sin"), help from the holy spirit during every time of need, and a sinless mind ("the mind of Christ") to "listen" in "heaven itself" to "hear," hear to "mature" as a nation, mature to "speak," speak to "lead," and with the mind of Christ perform in-Christ, with Christ as the head of his body, the church, and the head of Christ is God, the task God commanded man to perform the first time God spoke to man in Gen 1:28, which was only two verses after God created man in Gen 1:26, and long before God formed man from the dust of the earth in Gen 2:7: "subdue (Satan); rule over . . . (Satan)."

In Gen 1:28, the nexus between "subdue it" and "Satan" is the "war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. And the dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him" (Rev 12:7-9). Here's the nexus to Satan . . . God subjected the earth and everything in it to Adam. Satan and his angels were the only entities on the earth God never subjected to Adam and available to be subdued. The nexus between "rule over . . . every creeping thing that creeps on the earth" and "Satan" is this . . . after Satan's lie deceived Eve and Eve caused Adam to sin, "The LORD God said to the serpent, because you have done this, cursed are you more than all cattle and more than every beast of the field; on your belly shall you go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life" (Gen 3:14). Satan is the ultimate "creeping thing that creeps on the earth" to be "ruled over" by man, despite man having been "created a little lower than the angels."

Surviving Passover nations will "live" in-Christ on the earth before Jesus Returns the exact same way they would have lived in the beginning had Adam never sinned. "At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil 2:10-11). After that event happens, Jesus will no longer "sit" when God commands Jesus to Return ending this age the exact same way it would have ended had Adam never sinned with the earth filled with the glory of God and Satan and his angels thrown into the lake of fire.

Almighty God Himself chose this event honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., at a Joint Warfighting Headquarters in the nation with the greatest religious freedoms to announce Jesus' Return, the end of this age, and your opportunity to fight for yourself, your family, and your nation by making Jesus what you have always wanted him to be . . . your Lord (Master) and savior. Repent and be righteously re-baptized in the name of the son (never "God the son") to save not only yourself but all America on America's "election day."

See the details to all of this in 7 editorials online at theitem.com Jul 11 - Dec 15, 2023, and HarryBowersSermons.com. Thank you Richard Hart of Stafford, VA, Lawrence Mellon III of Laurel Hill, FL, and Mr. Leonard of Columbia, SC, for guiding and directing me through this!

