Club Digest for April 10, 2024: Sumter Art Association


The Sumter Art Association

President Kathy Creech welcomed 42 members to the March 19 meeting of the Sumter Art Association held in the parish hall of The Church of the Holy Comforter.

After the welcome, President Creech said the reception sponsored by the association at Sumter County Gallery of Art was a big success.

Chaplain Winnie Gee gave a devotion on Easter.

Vickie Goodwin reported on a number of cultural events coming up in the Sumter area.

After a business meeting and adjournment, members enjoyed refreshments provided by the hostess committee. Chairperson was Elizabeth Britton. Macy Terry served as co-chairperson. They were assisted by Susan Bradham, Linda Brown, Barbara Burchstead, Linda Fraley, Becky Pritchard, Shirley Patterson, Mary Garland Roddey and Cissy Snyder. Linda Brown made the beautiful centerpiece for the table.